VinLink Service Documentation


VinLink™ provides detailed vehicle and technical data by accessing the vehicle identification number (VIN) information.  This service is designed to cater to diverse needs through two back-ends: one with PDF report generation, and another for automated data queries in XML or JSON formats.

Getting Started


  • An active VinLink™ account with credentials for authentication.
  • A valid VIN to query information.


VinLink™ supports two authentication methods:

  • Digest Authentication: Utilized for secure access to PDF reports and data querying.
  • Basic Authentication: Offered for straightforward access, especially in automated systems.

Report Types

VinLink offers four distinct report types to cater to various information needs:

  • BASIC: Includes Year, Make, Model, and Trim (YMMT) information, along with NHTSA required data and ACES mappings.
  • BASIC-PLUS: Comprises all BASIC report features plus additional details on vehicle dimensions, warranty, and pricing information.
  • ENHANCED: Contains all BASIC report data along with comprehensive technical specifications and information on optional equipment.
  • RECALL: Integrates BASIC report data with manufacturer recall information, ensuring users are aware of any potential safety issues.

Vehicle Types Covered

VinLink supports a broad spectrum of vehicle types, including:

  • Passenger Cars
  • Light Trucks
  • SUVs (Sport Utility Vehicles)
  • Heavy Trucks
  • Motorcycles
  • RVs (Recreational Vehicles)
  • Buses
  • Trailers

Please note that depending on the specificity and availability of data, not all report types may be available for every vehicle type.

Services and Endpoints

Data Query Service

Endpoint: or

Description: This endpoint allows users to obtain a detailed report in XML or JSON format based on the provided VIN number. First endpoint allows you to login with digest authentication and the second one uses basic authentication


  • vin: The vehicle identification number.
  • type: The type of report requested.


  • xsl=xml2json: Transform the resulting xml to JSON

Example Request:

GET /vin=<VIN>&type=<REPORT_TYPE>&xsl=xml2json

PDF Report Service


Description: For easily readable reports we offer a web interface allowing to display or download a PDF report using this website’s feature Decode VIN. It requires logging into your account first.

SOAP Web Service


Description: A SOAP-based webservice backend designed for automated access to VinLink’s data repository. It supports similar methods for querying vehicle data.


  • The SOAP service requires clients to construct SOAP requests according to the WSDL provided at the endpoint.
  • Suitable for integration into existing systems needing extensive vehicle data.

Sample Reports

To facilitate users in understanding the breadth and depth of reports available, we have introduced a Report Sampler. This interactive component allows users to select a vehicle type and report type, showcasing a sample of the data and information VinLink can provide. This tool is designed to help users choose the report that best suits their needs, offering insights into the level of detail and type of data each report contains.

  1. Select Vehicle Class: Choose from the list of vehicle types (e.g., passenger cars, motorcycles).
  2. Choose Report Type: Pick one of the report types: BASIC, BASIC-PLUS, ENHANCED, or RECALL.
  3. View Sample Report: The navigator will display a sample report, highlighting the type of information and data specific to the chosen report and vehicle type.
  4. Choose the format: By default, it displays in JSON format, but you may view a PDF version, simply select it from the drop down menu in the top left corner.

Authentication Details

Digest Authentication

  • Used for securing requests to the backend.
  • Requires generating a digest token using the username and password.

Basic Authentication

  • Used for securing requests to the backend.
  • Credentials are passed with the Authorization request header in base64 encoding.

WS-Security UsernameToken

  • Used for securing requests to the backend.
  • Credentials are passed within the UsernameToken as Username and Password elements.

Example Usage